Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Take Home Bags

Today I introduced Take Home Bags, an optional homework supplement, to our class. Hot pink informational/permission slips came home today in student mail. Due to popular demand, here are photos of the six bags, as well as their contents. Feel free to leave theme ideas for more Take Home Bags in the comments!!
The Pirate Bag:
The Magic Bag:

The Dog Bag:

The Horse Bag:

The Spy Bag:

The Insect Bag:

Sunday, September 13, 2009

Salmon Migration

Last week we learned about the route that Issaquah salmon take to get from the hatchery to the ocean. They begin in Issaquah creek (or the hatchery), then travel north to Lake Sammamish, west along the Sammamish river, south into Lake Washington, then west again through the Montlake cut, Lake Union, the Ballard Locks, Puget Sound, and eventually to the Pacific Ocean!

Which places on this map have you visited? Have you seen salmon in any of these places?

Monday, September 7, 2009

Salmon Jumping a Fish Ladder

It's hard to imagine just how strong salmon are until you actually watch them jump a waterfall or fish ladder! These adult spawning salmon are fighting their way upstream to return to the exact spot they were born. They need to return to this exact spot in order to lay their eggs and reproduce.

How do you think they find their homestream again?

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Our First Day!

Well, we certainly had a busy first day! In third grade we have SO much to learn that I thought we'd better just dive in right away!

We did three very important things together this morning. First, we began launching our reading time. We talked about "Read to Self," an important part of our reading time. We created an "I-chart" (I for Independence) outlining the behaviors expected during this time:

We also began learning specific strategies we can use to help ourselves become better readers. They are "Check for Understanding," "Cross-Checking," and "Tune in to Interesting Words." Ask your child to explain how each strategy is used!

Finally, we prepared ourselves for a busy year of writing by decorating our own writing journals! Students had fun embellishing notebooks to really make them their own. We'll have even more fun filling these journals with stories, essays, poems, letters, and much more!

What a wonderful class we have this year. I can see already that students in room 241 are smart, kind, funny, curious, and eager to learn. I'm going home tonight feeling very lucky to get to teach this fabulous group of third graders!
Whew! I can't wait for day two!!