Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Reading Comprehension

Yesterday our class got a special lesson from Miss Leah about how important it is to do lots and lots of thinking as we read. To illustrate this, the kids created a "comprehension salad" as we read a book together. Every time Miss Leah read from the book, we added a red "text" card. Then we stopped to do some thinking - predicting, inferrring, making connections, etc. For every thought we had, we added a green "thinking" card.

When we were done, we looked at the salad we had created. Just like a good salad has lots of lettuce and some tomatoes sprinkled in, we realized that a good reader does lots and lots of thinking for every text he or she reads.

Parents, the next time you read a book with your child (hopefully soon!), remind him or her to be adding lots of thinking to their mental "comprehension salad."

Just like you can't have a good salad that is all tomatoes, you can't have a good reader who never thinks about the text!


  1. I really thinked about "Don't laugh at me" I
    really liked the story. I wish I had the book.

    Rachel L

  2. Tighten the tie! Tighten the tie! From ryan

  3. Were having a rocky day in class from ryan

  4. Globing those sighns on the ground was hard from ryan

  5. Pull those pigtails! Pull those pigtails! from ryan

  6. Yummy salad!!!!


  7. we do that in school too!
    but the only thing is that i'm in 4th grade

  8. but i sure like salads
